Body Deep Listening

Let’s try this exercise together! ~ How do we know what the body wants to express now? 🤠☝️Notice the position you are in at the moment.✌️Take a breath in and connect with your 5 senses one by one with every…

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Dancing Sounds Sessions

Free form movement What is a creative dance Session?It’s a dance session that is carefully tailored to embody and habitat ourselves.✨Tuning in your unique body process, with a respectful and gentle invitation to movement.✨From a nonjudgmental and compassionate standing point,…

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Water Dance

IMMERSIVE DANCE ~ Be moved by the water and surrender to the flow~ Dancing sounds invite you to an immersive experience in the kuronian shallow waters 🥰💧🌍: 🌱Welcome the elements of the Earth through your dance.🌀Restore a conscious connection with…

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